Frontend Build
Templates frontend assets building Methods
We have configured the frontend building structure in 2 different ways for individual templates.
Case 1. Using Frontend YARN Methods
In most of the templates we have to implement this building process and it’s a new standard process.
Overall building structure is based on Node and YARN.
So, First Install the compatible Node Versions(14.19.0 and above) (
Then after installing the YARN - Building Package Manager (
You can detect this method if this file exists `yarn.lock` to the following path:
From now you need to fire the following commands:
Just for your information command should be fire on this path:
Getting Started:
yarn install
Add Any packages(plugins):
To Test Stylesheets:
yarn lint:stylesheets
To Test Javascript:
yarn lint:javascript
To Build Project:
yarn build
After the yarn build command, Your Building process started. Just change your SCSS/JS files and your changes should reflect at the front end.
Case 2. Using TYPO3 SASS Methods
We have used this method rarely in templates.
After doing changes on any SCSS files, you must clear the backend cache.
After clearing the cache just reloads your frontend page, Your changes will be reflected on it.
Backend Cache Clear Screenshot:
You can detect this method if this file exists `gulpfile.js` to the following path:
Case 3. Custom CSS
If you don’t want to compile and build CSS using our mentioned in frameworks, then you can easy-go with custom CSS applied.
Just add your custom style on custom.css from the following path
Thats It!..:)