Migration To New Composer

What’s Migration?

Good news! Team T3Planet proudly launches a new composer-way installation, heaven for our beloved TYPO3 customers and their TYPO3 team.

In the past, we used the concept of composer vcs + local :@dev` TYPO3 extension installation and manually downloaded the latest version from the TYPO3 backend license manager module. It was challenging to install, update & maintain the version of your premium TYPO3 extensions.

Our new composer way of TYPO3 extensions installation is just like official composer-things like packagist.org & packagist.com

You will use `composer req` for installation and `composer update` to automatically get the latest version of your purchased TYPO3 extensions. For example, We support DevOps Auto-deployment CI/CD.

We highly recommend migrating the new composer way with the below step-by-step guide.


Before you start the migration, we recommend taking a backup (code & database) of your TYPO3 instance. During the migration, If any problem occurs, then you can roll back your TYPO3 instance. So, please take a backup now :)

Migration on New Composer-way


For EXT:ns_revolution_slider TYPO3 extension, please follow special migration guide at https://docs.t3planet.com/en/latest/ExtNsRevolutionSlider/RevolutionSliderLatest/MigrationFrom3toLatest/Index.html

Step 1. Remove your TYPO3 extensions

composer remove nitsan/EXTENSION-NAME
composer dump-autoload
composer clear-cache

Step 2. Manually remove existing TYPO3 Extensions Folder & Symlink

rm -rf typo3conf/ext/extension_key
rm -rf exensions/EXTENSION-NAME

Step 3. Update EXT:ns_license

composer update nitsan/ns-license

vendor/bin/typo3 typo3 extension:setup

Step 4. Run Composer Command

composer config repositories.nitsan '{
   "type": "composer",
   "url": "https://composer.t3planet.com",
   "only": ["nitsan/EXTENSION-NAME"]
composer config http-basic.composer.t3planet.com USERNAME LICENSE-KEY
composer req nitsan/EXTENSION-NAME --with-all-dependencies
vendor/bin/typo3 typo3 extension:setup


We have already sent the license key & composer credentials (like username, license key) via Email. If you need any help, then write to our support team https://t3planet.com/support