Activate Revolution Licenses
Step 1: Go to NITSAN > Slider Revolution Module at TYPO3 Backend.
Step 2: Click on “Activation” and registered our provided license key.

Use the same license key (from T3Planet) which you have used to Activate and Install the TYPO3 extension.
Include TypoScript
Switch to Web > Template module
Click on “Edit the whole template record” > Includes tab
Add “[NITSAN] Slider Revolution (ns_revolution_slider)”

Enable/Disable jQuery
You can enable or disable jQuery form “Constant Editor”. By default, the extension enable jQuery to include at frontend. If your website already contains jQuery then you can disable it for better speed and performance.
Backend Module: Manage Slider Revolution
Switch to the NITSAN > Slider Revolution Backend Module.
If you are beginner to Slider Revolution, then we highly recommend to learn it from official documentation at

Frontend Plugin: Insert Slider Revolution
Go to Page > Choose your page where you want to insert Slider Revolution
Insert “[NITSAN] Slider Revolution” Plugin
Choose your favourite slider (from your created at Slider Revolution backend module).

Clearing the cache
Please use the buttons ‘Flush frontend caches’ and ‘Flush general caches’ from the top panel. The ‘Clear cache’ function of the install tool will also work perfectly.